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The HeartPartner is 100% Backed by Science
The HeartPartner is a safe and convenient way to train your muscles while you sit at your desk at work or watch TV at home. Timed vibrations stimulate nerves in the bottom of your feet that cause the soleus muscles to contract, helping to push blood up your legs while also strengthening those muscles and providing a soothing sensation. With the technology that was initially developed at Binghamton University, you can trust that our product is backed by science. Shop our collection today and see how HeartPartner can benefit you!

Relieve Health Issues
The HeartPartner is a passive exercise device to help improve the overall blood circulation in your body. Used while seated, it helps pump out the excess blood and fluids that gravity causes to pool in your legs due to inactivity. The HeartPartner targets the soleus muscles, often called our "secondary" hearts, that are critical for our overall health and well being.
Although, you don't feel them working, these muscles are needed to help return blood from the legs back up to the heart. Any reduction in blood circulation in the body caused by weak soleus muscles can contribute to many health issues, such as achy muscles and joints, fatigue, swelling in the ankles and feet, leg cramps, as well as memory issues and problems concentrating.
Symptoms the HeartPartner Can Help Treat
Chronic Fatigue
Your heart (the cardiac muscle) provides oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body through the pumping of blood. When cardiac output falls, tissues throughout the body, including your brain, your muscles, and other internal organs, are unable to metabolize at their normal rate.
Cognitive Dysfunction
Memory lapses, an inability to concentrate, blurry vision, and slowed reflexes are all examples of cognitive dysfunction, a condition that becomes increasingly common as we age. While it is often suggested that these symptoms are simply a result of natural aging, they are more commonly a result of decreased blood flow to the brain.
Cold Hands and Feet
If your hands and feet are cold all the time, it is a sign that the output from your heart (cardiac output) may be too low. When cardiac output is low, the body directs blood flow to the "more important" organs in the body and restricts blood flow to the "less important" regions (such as your hands and feet).
Dizziness, such as when standing up from a chair, is very often a sign of hypotension, or below normal blood pressure. Standing up increases the gravitational forces on the blood in our body resulting in a large fraction of our blood being pulled down into our lower body and away from the heart. If this blood is not quickly pumped back up to the heart, cardiac output will fall, resulting in a drop in blood pressure.
Night-time Leg Cramps
As long as we are upright, either sitting or standing, the fluids in our body are being pulled down into the legs due to the force of gravity. If this fluid is not pumped out of the legs and back up to the heart during the course of the day, these fluids will shift out of the legs when you lay down to go to sleep. The rapid movement of fluid out of the leg muscles can give rise to severe leg cramps.
Painful Toes
Do you experience a tingling, burning, or throbbing sensation in your toes either during the day or at night? This is commonly due to the peripheral neuropathy, a condition which develops due to insufficient blood flow into the tissues of your feet. Poor blood flow in the feet is usually the result of tissue swelling, which compresses the capillaries, preventing oxygen delivery to the tissue.
Swollen Ankes and Legs
One of the first signs of secondary heart (soleus muscle) insufficiency is swelling of the lower legs, ankles, and feet. This swelling is caused by interstitial fluid pooling into the tissues of these structures. Interstitial fluid is a fluid that leaves the blood stream and provides nutrients to the cells in all tissues.
Sleep Problems
The Bradley Research Group at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute in Canada has shown that a major cause of sleep disturbance is the fluid shifting which occurs when you lay down at night. When you are upright, gravity pulls blood and interstitial fluid down into the lower body, where it collects throughout the day. At night, when you lie down, this fluid shifts up into the upper body and can sell the soft tissues in the neck region resulting in compression of the breathing passageways.
Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are often thought of as being just a cosmetic issue, but they should be viewed as an early marker of failing secondary hearts. When your secondary hearts (the soleus muscles in the calf of the leg) are not working well, the blood in the veins of the legs is not effectively pumped back up to the heart when you are sitting up or standing.

Stay Active and Energized
HeartPartner is the safe and convenient way to train your muscles while you sit at your desk at work or watch TV at home. Timed vibrations stimulate nerves in the bottom of your feet that cause the soleus muscles to contract, helping to push blood up your legs while also strengthening those muscles and providing a soothing sensation. And, because continued use of the device makes those muscles stronger so they can work better on their own, the HeartPartner actually helps correct the underlying problem rather than simply treating the symptoms.
Because it is a non-invasive device, the HeartPartner can be used by men and women of any age. It's easy to use, and no special preparations are needed either; it works effectively even if you are wearing shoes, sneakers, socks, or stockings.
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See What Others Have To Say About The HeartPartner
"The thing I really like about HeartPartner is you don't have to take your shoes off, you don't have to change your clothes, or go to the gym, or put something on. You simply sit down, put the front of your feet on the foot pad for 90 minutes while you watch television or read a book. It is that easy."
Winnie B.
Orlando, FL -
"Since I started using Sonostics' HeartPartner, I have more energy and verve than I've had in years. I feel 10 years younger. I hate being away from my second heart."
Jane F.
Washington, D.C. -
"Twelve years ago, I had double knee replacement surgery. Since then, I've had severe swelling in my left ankle. After using HeartPartner for three weeks, my ankle swelling has reduced by over an inch. Now, I'm able to wear my shoes all afternoon without any pain. I wish I had the HeartPartner twelve years ago!"
AnnMarie W.
Endicott, NY
Why HeartPartner?
The HeartPartner device uses gentle vibrations to stimulate blood flow, reduce stress and tension in the body, and increase blood flow to vital organs like the heart and brain. It is portable, safe, and easy to use, making it an excellent choice for anyone who wants to take control of their health and improve their overall well-being.
With HeartPartner, you can promote healthy blood circulation and reduce your risk of health issues such as, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Whether you're at home or on the go, the HeartPartner is a convenient solution that can help you feel your best. If you want to take charge of your health and start living a healthier, more active life, HeartPartner is the perfect partner for you.
Why does the HeartPartner cycle on and off?
You can think of the HeartPartner as a pacemaker for your secondary hearts. The HeartPartner will stimulate your soleus muscles for 60 seconds, which is sufficiently long to empty out all the blood and lympathic fluid in the muscles. The HeartPartner will then pause for two minutes to allow the sinuses in the muscles to refill with fluid. The cycle will then repeat. This is similar to what we do when we pace the cardiac muscle, but the timing is much slower. This pacing action also prevents your soleus muscles from fatiguing when you use your HeartPartner for extended periods of time.
What is the ideal time of day to use my HeartPartner?
The answer to this question is dependent on your symptoms. If you are experiencing unexplained fatigue throughout the day, it would be most effective to use it during the day. However, if you are experiencing sleeplessness due to the leg cramps, restless legs, etc., the device would be most effectve if used within the hours before bed. The most common use pattern among our customers who are using the HeartPartner in their homes is to use the device for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. For individuals in the workplace, we find that our customers use the HeartPartner throughout the workday, whenever they are at their desk. Call the HeartPartner if you have further questions.
Is there an ideal amount of time that I should utilize the HeartPartner each day? Can I overuse the HeartPartner?
The HeartPartner is a type of passive exercise device; it exercises your soleus muscles. As with any new excercise, we suggest that you start out gradually with 15 to 30 minute sessions. Over a week or two, you can work towards two hours or more of use per day. You do not have to use the device continuously to achieve the full benefits. Many individuals use the device for five or more hours per day with no ill effects. Call the HeartPartner Store if you have further questions.
Can I use the HeartPartner in Europe or Asia?
Yes, but this will require that you obtain a 220v to 100v converter. The HeartPartner has an average power draw of about 15 watts, so a 2 watt converter is more than adequate. The converter is inexpensive and is available in any country. Call the HeartPartner Store if you have further questions.
Can I use the HeartPartner if I am using an oxygen tank or oxygen concentrator?
It is not recommended that you use the device in situaitons where oxygen is being delivered. If you have any questions about HeartPartner's compatibility with other devices, please call us directly.
How does the HeartPartner differ from devices that may make similar health claims?
While many devices are on the market making claims about improved circulation, only a small number of devices are currently available that are specifically capable of activating the soleus muscles in the legs. These typically rely on electrical stimulation and require a prescription. Electrical stimulation devices require that electrodes be attached to the skin of the legs.
Another approach that does not directly stimulate the soleus muscles but can help move fluid out of the legs is pneumatic compression. This technology requires that the user be connected to an air pump, which severely limits mobility.
Neither electrical nor pneumatic devices are appropriate for use in the workplace. With the HeartPartner, you simply place your feet on it, and it does not require the removal of your shoes or socks in order to be completely effective.
One very important thing to remember is that just as our hearts beat, the soleus muscles also "beat". When you are sitting or standing, soleus muscles that are in good condition will allow blood to pool in the legs for a few minutes and then contract, returning that blood to the heart. This process repeats as long as you are sitting or standing. Only the HeartPartner has a built in pacemaking feature that mimics the contracting and relaxing cycles of properly functioning soleus muscles.
In addition, the HeartPartner has extensive clinical research and testing behind it, resulting in an optimal design for stimulating the soleus muscles back to health.
All of the above should be taken into consideration when comparing the HeartPartner to other, similar-sounding circulation enhancement devices. Call the HeartPartner Store if you have further questions.
How does the HeartPartner differ from less expensive foot massage machines?
Foot massage devices are designed to provide muscle relaxation. The HeartPartner design, based on over 10 years of clinical research, provides an optimal stimulation pattern for activating the soleus muscles rather than relaxing them. Low-intensity, long-duration stimulation is required to rebuild weakened soleus muscles. Call the HeartPartner Store if you have further questions.
Does a standing desk work as well as using a HeartPartner at work?
A recent review by the Cochrane group indicates that there is very little evidence to support the health benefits of standing desks. On the other hand, there are published studies demonstrating that the HeartPartner is effective in improving overall health through its ability to significantly enhance venous return to the heart, resulting in increased cardiac output and improved circulation throughout the body. Call the HeartPartner Store if you have further questions.
Will the HeartPartner help even when I have had problems for many years?
Yes, regarless of how long your condition has existed, the HeartPartner is able to train your soleus muscles and help improve your condition. When a condition has been present for a longer period of time, it may require using the HeartPartner for a longer time before experiencing results. Individuals with long term conditions usually notice a substantial improvement in 4 to 8 weeks. Call the HeartPartner Store if you have further questions.
I suffer from peripheral neuropathy. Will the HeartPatner help me?
Increased circulation to the feet and toes brings increased oxygen to those tissues, which can help the small nerves regenerate. Numerous individuals have reported regaining sensation in their toes aster using the HeartPartner regularly. Nerve regeneration occurs at a rate of about 1 millimeter per day, so if the nerve degeneration has been ongoing for an extended period of time, it may take months before sensation returns to the toes, Call the HeartPartner Store if you have further questions.
I suffer from nighttime leg cramps. Will the HeartPartner help me?
The HeartPartner is extremely effective in eliminating nighttime leg cramps. Many HeartPartner customers have told us that within a few days of starting to use the device, their nighttime leg cramps have disappeared. Call the HeartPartner Store if you have further questions.
Will the leg muscle excercise I get from the HeartPartner help me lose weight?
Yes, it appears that the use of the HeartPartner can have this effect. When fluid pools in your les, it means that the fluid is not getting back to your heart, and so your cardiac output drops. Cardiac output can drop by more than 1/3 when sitting quietly for an hour or less. Cardiac output drives metabolic activity, and so reduced cardiac output means reduced metabolic activity and, therefore, reduced caloric burn, which can lead to weight gain. The HeartPartner improves cardiac output by returning the fluid pooled in your lower limbs back to the heart, which results in increased metabolic activity and increased caloric burn. We estimate that with consistent use of the HeartPartner on a daily basis, you could lost 15 pounds over the course of the year, but many of our customers report much greater levels of weight loss. Call the HeartPartner Store if you have further questions.
Will the HeartPartner keep me warm enough to allow me to unplug my space heater?
Yes, for most office workers, regular use of the HeartPartner is more than sufficient to keep them comfortable in their workplace, and they are able to remove their space heaters. This is good for two reasons. First, the HeartPartner does not present the fire or injury risk of a space heater. Second, the energy cost of operating a space heater can be over $450 per year. As a result, you can pay for a HeartPartner in less than two years through energy savings alone. Call the HeartPartner Store if you have further questions.
Is the HeartPartner covered by my insurance?
It may be. Some health insurance programs provide partial reimbursement for wellness products. But the HeartPartner is priced below the deductible of many heathcare policies and, therefore, would not be covered in that situation. The HeartPartner may also be purchased using a Flexible Savings Account (a before tax savings plan dedicated to healthcare expenses). These funds must be used before March 31st of each year or they are lost. Sonostics also offers interest-free financing to assist in the purchase of a HeartPartner. Call the HeartPartner Store if you have further questions.
Is the HeartPartner FDA approved?
The HeartPartner is registered as a Class I FDA device. Call the HeartPartner Store if you have further questions.
when will my order be shipped?
All items are typically shipped one business day after we receive your order, and shipping is free within the continental U.S. Call the HeartPartner Store if you have further questions.
How can I get in tough with you?
At HeartPartner, we believe in providing our customers with convenient and efficient ways to get in touch with us. You can visit our website to learn more about our product and make a purchase through our online store. If you have any questions or concerns, our customer support team is available to assist you through phone or email.
Phone: 855-696-9283
We take pride in our commitment to excellent customer service, and we are dedicated to providing you with the support you need to get the most out of your HeartPartner device.
HeartPartner and Accessories
Regular price $799.95 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
HeartPartner Foam Pad
Regular price $9.95 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Package Deal
Regular price $825.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Remote Controller
Regular price $24.95 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Warranty: Gold Five-Year
Regular price $39.95 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Warranty: Silver Three-Year
Regular price $29.95 USDRegular priceUnit price per
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